United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
RC about 229 results (0.0062 in miliseconds)  
74th UN Day 2019 The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) wheel game invented by RCD office for the entertainment and sharing information about SDGs. #UNDAY #2019 #SDGs #SDGgame #RCD #UNIC #Wheel #Interaction #Involvement ...
UNIC, (2019)
Robert Piper Greets UN Staff in an Event World AIDS Day Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, greets and exchanging information to a participants on World AIDS event in your house, #RC #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Nepal Resident Coordinator addresses in an Event World AIDS Day Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk. #RobertPiper #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
World AIDS Day in UN House Hon'ble. Robert Piper, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk. #RobertPiper #RC #WorldAIDSDay #2008 #Photo #UNCares...
UNIC, (2008)
Joint Press Release-UN: Transitional Justice Process must comply with International Law 2011 Kathmandu, 13 September 2011 – In a joint statement released today the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and the Head of the UN Human Rights Office in Nepal (OHCHR-Nepal) welcomed the Government’s recent commitment to establish the long awaite...
UNOHCHR, (2011)
Remarks By The UN Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper: Opening Of The Disaster Risk Reduction Symposium: International Disaster Reduction Day (14th October) Less than a week ago today, after several days of heavy rain in Dadeldhura District in the Far West, 12 year old Bishna Bhul and her younger brother Pune, were playing near their house when a landslide occurred in their village. They sheltered in a w...
UN, (2009)
Statement by Mr. Robert Piper: UN Resident Coordinator In Nepal On behalf Of The UN Country Team On The Occasion Of Stand Up And Take Action Against Poverty (16th October) In the year 2000, another very distinguished group, the largest gathering of Heads of State, ever, reflected on the close of an old millennium and the opening of a new one at the Millennium Summit in New York. A key element in the Millennium Declarat...
UN, (2009)
Statement by Robert Piper, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator at the Government ceremony to observe International Day of Peace, 21 September 2009 As development workers our particular focus is naturally on the long term, transition-agenda articulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. When we hear ‘positive conclusions to the peace process’ we think of equity, of inclusion, of rights, of go...
UN, (2009)
UN Family stands for Syria Victims UN Family standing as one for all Syria Victims with a message 'Not A Target', UN Family and Staffs paying tribute to all the victims who lost their precious life. #UNFamily UNStaff #ValerieJulliand #RC #NotATarget #Syria #Photo #2017...
UNIC, (2017)
UN Staffs in support for the Victims of Syria Hon'ble. Valerie Julliand, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, speaks for the Victims of Syria with message 'Not A Target'. #ValerieJulliand #RC #NotATarget #Syria #Photo #2017...
UNIC, (2017)
Valerie Julliand addressing in an Event Hon'ble. Valerie Julliand, UN Nepal Resident Coordinator, addressing in an Event where UN Staff showing support for the victims of Syria in UN House, Pulchowk. #ValerieJulliand #RC #NotATarget #Syria #Photo #2017...
UNIC, (2017)
Valerie Julliand with a message for Syria Victims UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, Valerie Julliand with a message for Syria victims. #ValerieJulliand #RC #NotATarget #Syria #Photo #2017...
UNIC, (2017)
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon Approves $10 Million From UN Peace Building Fund For Nepal 9 September 2008 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has approved $10 million in assistance to Nepal from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, established two years ago to help countries emerging from conflict consolidate their gains and avoid slipping...
UNMIN, (2008)
UN Provides US$1 Million to WFP’s Peace and Recovery Programme in Nepal The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund(CERF) has allocated US$1 million towards the UN World Food Programme’s efforts to provide life-saving food aid and reconstruction support to more than 1.2 million conflict-affected people in Nepal. ...
UN, (2007)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 5 (as of 24 August 2017) The severe floods, relief activities are ongoing, with government agencies and relief organizations active in affected areas, in addition to the private sector and volunteer groups who are also engaged in the relief efforts.Development (MoFALD) has d...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 4 (as of 21 August 2017) This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners and includes the preparedness and aid provided for the relief of the flood victims.As reported on 18th August, the Government of Nepal ha...
CFP-UNRCO, (2017)
Statement by UN Humanitarian Coordinator on behalf of the Humanitarian Community in Nepal Highlights: 1. The onset of winter in Nepal is projected to have an adverse impact on earthquake-affected communities living in high-altitude isolated areas. 2. The humanitarian organisations in Nepal are facing a race against time to ensure delive...
UN, (2015)
Short Remarks by Robert Piper, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator 10 December 2012 At the launch of the campaign ‘Invisible No More’ Patan Dhoka CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY This bulletin consists of the description about the launch of the campaign Invisible No More, a campaign for Truth and Justice in Nepal that was held on Human Rights Day, where the global message for this year is Your Voice Counts.In June 2007 the Su...
UN, (2012)
Monthly Update (October 2012 ) UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office Nepal 1. Politics remained deadlocked. As party political discussions failed, the political space and influence of President Ram Baran Yadav grew. 2. Few operational space problems were reported across the country during October for signatories to the Bas...
UNRCHCO, (2012)
United Nations University Centre for Policy Research What Works in UN Resident Coordinator-led Conflict Prevention: Lessons from the Field June 2018 In April 2006, after suffering ten years of civil war between a Maoist insurgency and an increasingly autocratic royal government, the people of Nepal took to the streets and forced the country’s King to hand power back to the political parties. Peac...
UNU, (2018)
Nepal Earthquake 2015 - Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 6 (as of 29 Apr 2015) As of 29 April, 11:00 am, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported 5,006 deaths and 10,194 injured people. It is estimated that 2.8 million Nepalese are displaced, as over 70,000 are believed to be destroyed and another 530,000 homes damaged across the ...
UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Nepal, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 03 (as of 26 April 2015, 7:00pm) At 11:56 local time, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, with the epicentre in Lamjung District (north-west) of Kathmandu and south of the China border. Dozens of aftershocks followed, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake on 26 April 2015 at 12:...
Remarks at the launch of the Nepal Human Development Report 2009 17 August 2009 Robert Piper, UNDP Resident Representative The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is an extraordinary document. When I read the CPA I read a Nepali analysis about the underlying causes of the conflict. It is so much more than a transitional framework through which hostilities might be ended. The C...
UNDP, (2009)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 8 (as of 13 September 2017) The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated US$4.8 million to flood response efforts in Nepal. To-date, over 1 million flood affected people have benefited from humanitarian assistance from 9 Clusters. Preparations for next week’s election...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 8 (as of 13 September 2017) This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 7 to 13 September 2017. HIGHLIGHTS : - The UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund has allocated US$4.8 mill...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 9 (as of 20 September 2017) Elections in Province 2 have contributed to a major slow down in relief activities. Combined humanitarian Clusters face a shortfall of US$32 million for flood response activities. This is the last Sit Rep that the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office(UN...
UNRCO, (2017)
Monthly Report - August 2014 UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, Nepal August saw the formation of parallel district committees by the Baburam Bhattarai faction of the UCPN-Maoist as a reaction to tensions between Bhattarai and the party chairman Puspa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda). Throughout the month at least 24 separate c...
UNRCHCO, (2014)
Monthly Report - July 2014 UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, Nepal The apparent smooth functioning of the current CA was reflected in the districts with the Baburam Bhattarai led Constitutional Political Dialogue and Consensus Committee (CPDCC) of the Constituent Assembly meeting with various identity based groups t...
UNRCHCO, (2014)
Monthly Report - October 2014 UN Resident Coordinator’s Office, Nepal The month, although relatively quiet as a result of Dashain and Tihar saw a number of significant events indicating the nature of the days to come. Those opposing secularism have been increasingly active, most notably with a former Home Minister and ...
UNRCHCO, (2014)
Monthly Update (November 2012) UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office Nepal 1. Politics in Nepal remained deadlocked in November, with the political parties unable to deliver on the President‟s call for a consensus Prime Minister candidate by 29 November. In response, the President has extended the deadline twice, now asking...
UNRCHCO, (2012)
Monthly Update (September 2012) UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office Nepal 1. Communist Party of Nepal–Unified Marxist Leninist (CPN-UML) and United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) “agreed in principle” to elections as a means of ending the political and constitutional crisis following the parties‟ failed attempts to negoti...
UNRCHCO, (2012)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 01 Most affected areas are Gorkha and Lamjung Districts (north-west of Kathmandu). Damage in Kathmandu Valley limited to historical densely built up neighbourhoods. Latest government figures on total causalities are between 700 - 1000. This is expected ...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 02 Most affected areas are Gorkha, Lamjung and Sindhupalchok as well as Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur Districts. Latest government figures on total causalities is 1,900 with more than 5,000 injured. This is expected to increase. The Government of Nepa...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 03 At 11:56 local time, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, with the epicenter in Lamjung District (north-west) of Kathmandu and south of the China border. Dozens of aftershocks followed, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake on 26 April 2015 at 12:...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 04 Three days after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Central and Western Regions of Nepal, aftershocks continue to affect the daily lives of people. Many people continue to sleep outdoors. On 27 April, the Government has issued a public statement d...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Office of the Resident Coordinator - Situation Report No. 05 As of 28 April, the Government reports 4,358 deaths and 8,174 injured people. Search and rescue teams have saved 14 people from the rubbles. In addition to continued efforts in the Kathmandu Valley, the response continues to broaden to include more ...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Situation Report No. 8 (as of 1 May 2015) Six days into the response, the ongoing relief efforts continue to focus on reaching a greater number of areas, in particular the remote and hard-to-reach areas where many of the poorest and most affected remain. It is becoming evident that a scale-u...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2016 016 marked the ten- year anniversary of Nepal’s peace process and the first Constitution Day since the adoption of the charter in September 2015. The last ten years have witnessed some remarkable transformations, including the demobilization of the f...
UN, (2016)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 (as of 14 August 2017) The National Emergency Operations Centre has reported that 66 people are known to have died, 35 people remain missing and 35 have been injured.The full extent of the disaster is not yet known. Many affected areas remain inaccessible dueto damaged roa...
UNRC, (2017)
Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2017 In 2017, joint Annual Work Plans (AWPs) of result groups were developed. A joint initiative from UN agencies developing and implementing the joint programs on gender equality and women’s rights, human rights, land tenure, environmental sustainability...
UNRCO, (2017)
United Nations Day 2016 - Common Goals - Valeria Julliand, UN RC for Nepal (Op-ed) Today marks the United Nations Day. Across the world, and here in Nepal, the United Nations is working to build unity and cooperation, the UN's founding principle. In our 71st year, the UN and its member states are in the early stages of achieving th...
Republica, (2016)
UN DAY 2014 Resident Coordinator Jamie McGoldRick, UNDP Deputy Country Director Sophie Kemkhadze, and Resident Coordinator Office Stine Heiselberg interacting during UN Day at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur on 30th October 2014 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #JamieMcGoldRick...
UNIC, (2014)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMission #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinist...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Nepal Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper communicating in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #HonorableDeputyPrimeMinister #Fore...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal (left) and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper (right) communicating in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #UNDay #UNHou...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KarinLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKu...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Hororable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal being welcomed by Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 22 October 2010 #HonorablePrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UNDay #UNHouse #Greeting #...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal...
UNIC, (2010)
Robert Piper in an event UN Holocaust Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal in an event UN Holocaust on 27th January, 2012. #RC #RobertPiper #Event #Holocaust #2012 #Photo ...
UNIC, (2012)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report 2011 As in the past few years,in 2011 the UN Country Team(UNCT) in Nepal has needed to continuously adjust to both the challenges from a longer-than-expected post-conflict transition as well as to the opportunities emerging from important steps forward i...
UN, (2011)
Resident Coordinator’s Annual Report Nepal 2010 As in 2009,2010 brought ongoing challenges in the implementation of Nepal’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The Constituent Assembly (CA) was unable to meet the deadline of May 2010 for drafting the new constitution. Following a political crisi...
UNDP, (2010)
United Nations Cental Emergency Response Fund Allocates US$5 Million to Nepal More than 200,000 Nepalis will receive help to address food insecurity and support for life-saving response to children under five, thanks to a US$ 5 million allocation this week from the United National Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). “This ...
UNRCHCO, (2012)
Nepal Six Months On: A Race Against Winter (Kathmandu/Bangkok, 23 October 2015) -- Six months after the devastating earthquakes that shook Nepal in April, shelter and food remain top priorities as winter approaches. With the Government of Nepal, humanitarian partners provided emergency shelte...
UNCHA, (2015)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 years of dedicated service in UN house during UN day on 23 October September #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata...
unic, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Meera Laata Shakya for receiving an award for 25 Years of dedicated service in UN House during UN Day, 23 October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Robertpiper #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaataShakya #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebrating UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNFPA staff Deepak Kumar Thapa for receiving 25 years of dedicated service award through Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, Sujata Koirala during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoord...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper interacting during UN day program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #Interacting #Communicating #U...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala and Resident Coordinator Robert Piper attending UN day program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #HeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #DeputyPrimeMinister...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal, Kareen Landgren addressing UN Day Program in UN house on 23th October 2009 #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #Kareen Landgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #LeftDeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #Event #...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #LeftHeadoftheUNMIN #KareenLandgren #LeftResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #Octob...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala being welcomed by Resident Coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #ResidentCoordinator #RC #Greeting #Welcoming #UNDay #UNHouse #20...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Honorable Head of the Publicity Department of CPN(UML) Raghuji Pant being welcomed by Resident Coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UN #RaghujiPant #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #UNHouse #UNDay #2009 #Oc...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day- 2009 National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #DeputyPrimeMinister #SujataKoirala #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #UNIC...
UNIC, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper congratulating UNDP staff Jiban Nepali for receiving 25 years of dedicated service award through Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala during UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper, UNDP Staff Meera Laata Shakya, Deputy Prime Minister Sujata Koirala posing for the camera in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #UN #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #UNDPStaff #MeeraLaata #DeputyPri...
unic, (2009)
Celebration of UN Day 2009 Resident Coordinator, Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 23th October 2009 #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #LeftHeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #Kareen Landgren #Event #UNDay #UNHouse #2009 #October #UNIC...
unic, (2009)
Celebration UN Day 2009 Chief of Army Staff of the Nepali Army Chhatra Man Singh Gurung being welcomed by Resident coordinator Robert Piper in UN house during UN day on 23th October 2009 #ChiefofArmyStaff #ChhatraManSinghGurung #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #Gree...
unic, (2009)
Jamie McGoldrick at an Event Campaign for Climate Change Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, on event Campaign for Climate Change held at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Jamie McGoldrick Greets at the Campaign for Climate Change Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, greets and appreciates at the Campaign for Climate Change. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Jamie McGoldrick Listens to the Voices for Climate Justice Hon'ble. Jamie McGoldrick, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, listening to the voices in Campaign for Climate Change at Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #RC #JamieMcGoldrick #ClimateJustice #2014 #Photo...
UNIC, (2014)
Robert Piper Addressing in an Event Stand Up Against Poverty Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, addressing in an event at Tudikhel, Kathmandu on 19th October, 2008. #RC #RobertPiper #Photo #2008 #MDGCampaign...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper and Constituent Assembly Members Discussing in an event at the President House On the centre Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator, on his right Hon'ble. Rajendra Khetan, Constituent Assembly Member and on the left side of picture Hon'ble. Gagan Thaha, who is also a Constituent Assembly Member are discussing in an Event a...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper in an Event Stand Up Against Poverty Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator in an Event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' at Tudikhel, event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' was held on 19 October, 2008. #RC #RobertPiper #Photo #Event #MDGs #2008 ...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper Speaking in an Event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' at Tudikhel Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of UN Nepal, interacting in an event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' held at Tudikhel, Kathmandu on 19th October, 2008. #RC #RobertPiper #Event #StandUpAgainstPoverty #2008 #Photo...
UNIC, (2008)
Nepal: Earthquake 2015 Situation Report No. 9 (as of 2 May 2015) On 2 May, another 5.0 magnitude quake occurred near Pokhara at 05:35 UTC compounding fears of further devastation. Up to 90 per cent of the houses in Gorkha and Sindhupalchowk districts have been destroyed. Shelter remains a key priority. The Shelter...
UNOCHA, (2015)
Statement by UN Resident Coordinator on Behalf of the International Community in Nepal Nepal’s political leaders have successfully achieved many of their peace process commitments since the end of the conflict in 2006.Agreement on a new constitution is a vital remaining task.The international community concerned that relations between ...
UN, (2015)
UN Mourns Death of Friends and Colleagues in Helicopter Crash The UN System in Nepal expresses deep sorrow at the deaths of the passengers of the helicopter, which included among others, Minister of State for Forest and Soil Conservation, Senior Nepali government officials and conservationists, Finish Charge A...
UNIC, (2006)
World Humanitarian Day This year’s World Humanitarian Day, which took place on Sunday 19th August, marks the fifteenth anniversary since the attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq which killed 22 people, including the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for...
UN, (2018)
Nepal Country Report - Global Assessment of Risk UNDP expresses its appreciation to the National Society for Earthquake Technology – Nepal (NSET) for conducting this study.Appreciation is expressed to the UN ISDR GAR team, especially Mr. Andrew Maskrey, Coordinator, ISDR Global Assessment Report o...
UNDP, (2009)
Closure of Radio Chautari – UNCT's Radio in Nepal The radio programme was launched in April 2009 with the aim to provide reliable information to the general public on issues such as the peace process, development as well as socio-cultural and economic issues. It particularly tried to reach out to th...
UNCT, UN, (2011)
Monthly Update – September 2013 UN Resident Coordinator’s Office Nepal After continuous rounds of political negotiations during September, the Interim Electoral Council of Ministers(IECM) and High level Political Committee(HLPC) continued onwards in preparing for Constituent Assembly(CA) elections on 19 November without...
Nepal :Flood 2017,Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 3 This report is produced by Office of the Resident Coordinator Nepal in collaboration with humanitarian partners.It covers the steps The Government of Nepal has taken in the rescue, relief and response of the districts of Nepal with the highest number...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 2 (as of 16 August 2017) Moderate to heavy rains have been forecast across Nepal for the coming days. As of 16 August, 18,320 families are confirmed to have been displaced, and 75,000 families affected by the flooding. Government has provided ready to eat food to displaced p...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 2 (as of 16 August 2017) Moderate to heavy rains have been forecast across Nepal for the coming days. As of 16 August, 18,320 families are confirmed to have been displaced, and 75,000 families affected by the flooding. Government has provided ready to eat food to displaced ...
UNRCO, (2017)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 1 Beginning on 11 August 2017, Nepal experienced its worst rains in 15 years, resulting in large-scale impacts on lives,livelihoods and infrastructure across 27 of Nepal’s 75 districts.The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) authorities estimate that hundr...
UNRCHO (UNRCO), (2017)
Statement by Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator On the occasion of UN Day function organised By UN Association of Nepal 21 September 2009, at Russian Cultural Centre, Kathmandu Nepal’s transition than 11 months ago. sense that consensus has broken down. That the constitution writing timetable is imperiled. That the tough, long-term issues of the CPA issues around good governance, rights, inclusion, equity have ...
UN, (2009)
Remarks by UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Valerie Julliand To mark the International Day of Peace at the Unveiling ceremony of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers’ memorial plaque Wednesday, 20 September 2017 UN House, Hariharbhawan This document includes remarks by UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Valerie Julliand To mark the International Day of Peace at the Unveiling ceremony of the Nepali UN Peacekeepers’ memorial plaque which was held on 20th September, 2017. Designated Minister...
UNIC, (2017)
Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2018 Resident Coordinator Annual Report 2018 highlights on following result framework: An effective approach is applied to implement the UNDAF and Delivering as One Principles UN and its partners better understand and communicate on key issues/ prioriti...
UN Nepal, (2019)
From Military to Civilian life – first Group of Minors Discharged From Maoist army in Nepal “Today marks the first step in the return to civilian life for thousands of Nepalis who have been living in cantonments since 2006. This ceremony is an important milestone in the ongoing peace process and will, we hope, speed up other steps laid out ...
UN, (2010)
INSARAG Asia-Pacific Earthquake Response Simulation Exercise INSARAG Asia-Pacific earthquake response simulation exercise Kathmandu, 21 April 2009 STATEMENT released by HUMANITARIAN and RESIDENT COORDINATOR, ROBERT PIPER.The ‘cause’ is of course, disaster preparedness – in the case of INSARAG, preparedness for...
UNOCHA, (2009)
United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator in Nepal Press Release – 11 September 2017 This latest disaster has impacted already vulnerable and poor regions of Nepal including areas of the Terai which were affected by major flooding in 2014. Schools, medical centres and houses have been destroyed and large areas of crops washed away. I...
UNRCO, (2017)
Monthly Update – March 2014 UN Resident Coordinator’s Office Nepal 1. Adoption of the Constituent Assembly‘s (CA) rules of procedure marked an important step towards the resumption of constitution drafting 2. In March, at the 110 session of the UN Human Rights Committee held in Geneva, Nepal‘s human rights record r...
UNRCHCO, (2014)
Monthly Update – May 2013 UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office Nepal 1. Interim Electoral Council of Ministers (IECM) expedited its efforts to prepare the ground for announcing the date of elections 2. Despite the parties polarization at the HLPC, the cross-party mechanism set up a task force to reach consensus on mo...
UNRCHCO, (2013)
Robert Piper Addressing on the Event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' at the President House Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of Nepal, addressing on the event 'Stand Up Against Poverty' at President House, Maharajgung, Kathmandu, Nepal. #RC #RobertPiper #Photo #Event #2008...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper along with the President of Nepal Ram Baran Yadav Hon'ble. Gagan Thapa, Constituent Assembly Member on the left most, on his right Yubraj Khatiwada, Governor of NRB, on the Centre Hon'ble Ram Baran Yadav, on the right side of the picture Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of Nepal at the ev...
UNIC, (2008)
Robert Piper Greets President of Nepal Ram Baran Yadav at President House Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator greeting Hon'ble. Ram Baran Yadav, President of Nepal at the President House, Maharajgung, Kathmandu on 16th October, 2008. #RC #RobertPiper #ResidentCoordinator #2008 #Photo...
UNIC, (2008)
UN Day ceremony in Kathmandu, 23 October 2009 The United Nations is heavily invested in Nepal. Perhaps more so than ever in our almost 60 year presence.UN staff are involved in many spheres of Nepali life, be it as arms or food monitors, as education or constitutional experts, as adviser or imp...
UNHCR, (2009)
Nepal: Flood 2017 Office of the Resident Coordinator Situation Report No. 7 (as of 7 September 2017) To-date, over 1.1 million flood affected people have benefited from humanitarian assistance.Nominations of the candidates in local elections in Province 2 took place on 6 September with elections to take place on 18 September. It is possible that the...
UNRCO, (2017)
SYNTHESIS OF RESIDENT COORDINATOR ANNUAL REPORTS 2008 - UN Country Coordination : Contributing to Development Effectiveness (OCT 2009) This synthesis of the annual reports submitted to the Secretary-General by over 130 Resident Coordinators in 2008 provides an overview of the activities of the Resident Coordinator system and the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) in support of ...
UNRCHCO, (2008)
Celebrating UN Day 2012 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper (left) giving a Recognition Award to Mr. Rajendra Shakya of UNICEF during UN DAY in UN House on 2nd November 2012. #ResidentCoordinator #RC #RobertPiper #UN #UNICEF #Recognition #UNDay #UNHouse #UNNepal #2012 #No...
UNIC, (2012)